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2006 - 2012 SPEAKERS

Déjà Vu All Over Again? Iraq, Iran and the Israel Lobby
STEPHEN M. WALT, Professor, International Affairs, JFK School of Government, Harvard University
Syria’s 40 Years of Assad Family Rule: the End
of an Era

THEODORE KATTOUF, Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria and UAE 
The Arab Awakening and Saudi Youth
CARYLE MURPHY, Scholar and journalist

Egypt: Cauldron on the Nile
MARK G. HAMBLEY, Former U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon and Qatar
Syria and the Quest for Change in the Middle East
NEIL MACFARQUARUN Bureau Chief, New York Times


Turkey’s Role in the New Middle East
Professor, Political Science, Tufts University


Iran and Saudi Arabia: Rivalry over the Arab Spring

HALEH ESFANDIARI, Director, Middle East Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 


Winning Hearts and Minds in Afghanistan  

ANDREW WILDER, Director, Afghanistan and Pakistan Programs, U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington D.C.


Another Voice for Israel: J Street and the
Pro-Israel, Pro-peace Movement

STEPHEN KRUBINER, Director of Israel and International Programs, J Street


Egypt: the Revolution is Incomplete 

ANDREA RUGH, Adjunct Scholar, Middle East Institute, Washington D.C.

WILLIAM RUGH, Adjunct Scholar, Middle East Institute, former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen and UAE


Libya as a Test Case of Policy Dilemmas for Arab Governments and for the U.S. 

DAVID MACK, VP, Middle East Institute and former
U.S. Ambassador to the UAE


Religious Dimensions of the Middle East Conflict 

HARVEY COX, Professor of Divinity, Harvard University


Afghanistan: a Personal Perspective

JOSEPH GERSON, American Friends Service Committee 


The U.S. in the Middle East: an American Perspective

ROVERT H. PELLETREAU, JR., Former Asst. Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Tunisia and Bahrain


The U.S. in the Middle East: an Arab Perspective

RAMI KHOURI, Director, Issam Fares Institute, American University in Beirut; Editor, Lebanon Daily Star 

The Politics of Petroleum

NOAH BAKER MERRILL, Beyond the Nightmare: Hope, Healing and Lessons from an Iraqi-American Aid Project


US military Interventions in the Middle East: an Historical Perspective

GEORGE M. LANE, Former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen


Israelis and Palestinians: Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

ANAT BILETZKI, Professor, Tel Aviv University; former Chairman of the Board, B’teslem


Come to the Table: Stories of Non-violent Peacemaking in Iraq
SHEILA PROVENCHOR, Christian Peacemaker Team
in Baghdad, 2004–2006


The U.S. and the Iran-Iraq Connection
IRENE L. GENZIER, Department of Political Science, Boston University; Co-editor, Crimes of War, Iraq


The Middle East: the Diplomatic Dilemma

WILLIAM RUGH, Adjunct Scholar, Middle East Institute, former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen and UAE 


Politics, Culture and Urbanization in the New Middle East

PAUL AMAR, Professor of Global Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara



Jerusalem ’07: A Sabbatical in Everybody’s
Holy City

St. Andrew’s Church, Edgartown MA 


Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience
ALICE ROTHCHILD, Co-chair of the Boston Chapter
of Jewish Voice for Peace


Syria: a Nation in the Crossfire

ELAINE HAGOPIAN, Professor of Sociology, Simmons College


Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

JOSH RUBINSTEIN, Amnesty International; Davis Center for Eurasian and Russian Studies, Harvard University


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